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OM 기말고사 문제풀이 (영문시험)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


MBA, 경영학 과정의 OM (Operations Management) 기말고사 기출문제 풀이입니다. (2011년 가을)
시험준비에 도움되시기 바랍니다.


Short Essay Questions (5 Points Each)
1. What are the main criteria in service process choice that distinguish Front Room Operations and
Back Room Operations?
2. In project management, many challenges are caused by “site orientation.” Describe what site
orientation of a project is and why it causes challenges.
3. What are the five major motivations for forming location clusters?
4. Deming proposed that we must “Drive out Fear” in implementing TQM. What are the two
major implications of the Deming’s proposition?
5. List at least two differences between Prevention Cost and Appraisal Cost in quality management.
6. There are three important dimensions of “Planning.” List and briefly describe them.
7. Specify the technical differences between Revenue Sharing contracts and Buy-Back contracts.
8. Specify the differences between Independent Demand and Dependent Demand.
9. Briefly explain the three ways of coordinating supply chains (chain participants).
10. There are five options in remanufacturing. Define and briefly explain them.
[Bonus Question] What is the ultimate goal of operations management?

Quantitative Questions (10 Points Each)
11. A call center investigates the number of customer complaints everyday, sampling 100 calls per
day. A total of 30 days has been investigated so far, and the total number of complaints was
found 76 during the period. What is the upper and lower control limits if you construct a SPC
chart using the above information? (10 Points)
12. An apparel company sells a new line of swimming suit, following the statistics; Mean demand
(MD) = 2,000; Standard deviation of demand (sigma) =300; Item cost (c) = Wholesale price =
1,000; Retail price (p) = 2,000; Salvage value (s) = 500. What is the optimal order quantity? (10
13. Draw the network corresponding to the following information. Identify the critical path, and
specify project completion time.


Operations Management 기말고사 2011 가을)
Short Essay question (5 Points Each – Warning: Do not write more than 30 words in each question.)

1. What are the main criteria in service process choice that distinguish Front Room Operations and Back Room Operations?
As we can see Customer-Contact Model, The degrees of Less Customer Contact, Customization, Less Complexity, Less Divergence and More Line Flows’ according to customer contact mode, these are just the main criteria in service process choice.

2. In project management, many challenges are caused by “site orientation.” Describe what site orientation of a project is and why it causes challenges.
All kinds of resources are focused on site orientation. The most cause should be directed to the site where the project is being conducted. Challenges are caused by uncertainty of resource engagement in the project management.

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