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TiVo 케이스 A+ 영문리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


MBA, 경영학의 마케팅 과목에서 하이테크 마케팅 또는 소비자행동분석에 자주 쓰이는 TiVo 케이스의 문제에 대한 해답을 제시하여 A+을 받은 우수 영문리포트입니다. 각 케이스 질문에 대해 완벽한 문장의 영문에세이로 답변하고 있으며 해외 MBA 학생들의 우수리포트를 참고하고, 팀 토론의 결과를 추가하여 정리된 자료로 후회없는 선택임을 자신합니다.

영강수업에서 여러분의 영문 리포트나 발표자료를 작성하실 때 유용하게 참고하시기 바랍니다~


Case Questions:
1. Why is it hard for TiVo to do PR?

2. What is TiVo’s marketing problem according to case?

3. How should TiVo segment the market? Which segment to target at this stage?

4. When it is hard to have consumers understand the usage or benefits of your product, how do you solve this problem, especially in terms of communication? Suggest one idea.

5. What do you think of the idea of bundling TiVo with Direct TV? Is it good or wrong decision? Why?


TiVo Case study

1. Why is it hard for TiVo to do PR?

TiVo’s main product/service concept the idea of allowing media consumers to pick-and-choose content, and discard advertising like a 9-year-old pulling pickles off a hamburger fundamentally disrupts the network television and Madison Avenue business models. As such, even with excellent product positioning, superb communication, and razor-sharp PR know-how, pushing the story with the major news outlets was destined to be an effort fraught with peril. And TiVo’s positioning and communication weren`t superb. They were ambiguous and function-focused. It`s fair to say TiVo had a PR dilemma from day one.

<중 략>

In order to communicate more effectively, TiVo should at this point segment even further, not only should they cater their message to early adopters, but they should define their target consumer by age, sex, and household income. For a product like TiVo: married men, aged 27-40, with a median income of over $30,000. Once they have this target customer in mind, they can work at talking to him directly. There`s no need to talk to his wife. If he`s already made the decision to buy, he`s likely going to buy. And well-targeted communication is what it will take to make that happen. But if you throw bricks at him telling him his wife and kids are going to dominate use of his new toy, he`s likely to think twice.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증
안녕하세요~ 저가의 많은 양의 자료보다는, 시간이 좀더 걸리더라도 완성도가 높은 자료를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있어요! 여러분의 많은 응원이 큰 힘이 되고 있어요~*^^*
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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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