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Comparison between the Roles of Think Tanks in Policy-Making in the Republic of Korea and the U.S.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 7,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문에세이, 서울대학교 정책이론 제출 A+


I. Introduction
I - 1. Background
I - 2. Purpose of this Essay

II. Independent Private Think Tanks of the U.S. and Bureau

III. Independent Private Think Tanks of Korea and Bureau

IV. Conclusion



I. Introduction
I-1. Background

The existence of a private think tank that is self sustainable and free from any government influence is an important qualification needed in order to reflect the public’s voice in to policies. Also its existence is closely related to the realization of a democratic society. As national ruling systems change in order to emphasize the people’s participations, the importance of private think tanks have become significant as well(McGann and Weaver, 2000).

This essay starts out from the question “Why didn’t this important system of private think tanks develop in Korea?” As a brief explanation, the extent of development of private think tanks in Korea is at a very low state with the government-run policy research institutes playing the key roles of the system. Also, the human resources and financial state of the institutes classified as private think tanks are mostly insignificant. If this problem is viewed in the aspect of Korea’s civil society, the reason of this low development of private think tanks would be because the civil society’s participation is yet to be vitalized. Although this factor may be an immediate cause for the problem, it is not adequate to be of discussion.

참고 자료

Abelson, Donald E., 2002. Do Think Tanks Matter (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002) p.19
Abelson, Donald E., 2004. “The Business of Ideas: the Think Tank Industry in the USA” in the Stone and Denham (2004) p.219
Abelson, Donald E. and Rich, Andrew, 2004. Think Tanks, Public Policy and the Politics of Expertise (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) pp.34-41
Jo, He Youn and Hong, Il Pyo, 2004. “개혁적 싱크탱크와 시민사회운동”, 『창작과 비평』 March issue (2004) p.114.
Kang, Won Taek, Park, In Whe, and Jang, Hoon, 2006a. “한국적 싱크탱크의 가능성” Seoul: Samsung Economic Research Institute.
Kang, Won Taek, Park, In Whe, and Jang, Hoon, 2006b. “대한민국 100대 싱크탱크”, 『한경비즈니스』.
Lee, Youn Ho, 2009. “작은 정부를 만들기 위한 싱크탱크(Think Tank)의 역할 : 미국, 영국의 사례와 한국”, 연세대학교.
McGann, James G., 2008. “The Global Go-To Think Tanks: The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations in the World.” Think Tanks and Civil Society Programs (University of Pennsylvania, 2008)
McGann, James G. and Weaver, R. K.(ed), 2000. Think Tanks and Civil Societies (New Brunswick: Transaction Publisher, 2000)
Park, In Whe, 2008. “국가경영조력자, 한국형모델 시급”. 『한경비즈니스』
Rich, Andrew, 2004. Think Tanks, Public Policy and the Politics of Expertise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stone, Diane, 1996. Capturing the Political Imagination. London: Frank Cass.
Weaver, R. Kent and McGann, J.G., 2000. “Think Tanks and Civil Societies in a Time of Change,” in James G. McGann and R. K. Weaver, ed. Think Tanks and Civil Societies. New Brunswick: Transaction Publisher, 2000.
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Comparison between the Roles of Think Tanks in Policy-Making in the Republic of Korea and the U.S.
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