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Research Proposal2

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


서울대학교 관리경제학 영문 연구제안서 A+


I. Introduction
I-1. Background
I-2. The Purpose of the Study

II. Literature Review

III. Hypotheses and Model Construction



I. Introduction
I-1. Background
The total produced value of a marketing activity can be evaluated by specific figures of recent net profits and business profits. The criteria for the evaluation of the corporation’s marketing executives are not too different. However, marketing activities have their purpose in enhancing not only tangible attributes but also intangible attributes. Also, nowadays marketing managers have to report their marketing activities to the top management zones and to the company’s shareholders (Lehmann 2004). This indicates an increasing need for an assessment which expresses the financial values resulting from the input of marketing resources (Rust et al. 2004).
The purpose in the management of shareholder values lies in managing the corporation so that the return on investment is maximized for the shareholders, and the importance of this is seemingly increasing in recent activities. These changes also apply in aspects of marketing. Therefore it is becoming necessary to confirm the legitimacy of the budget to the shareholders.

I-2. The Purpose of the Study
When the effects of market activities such as advertising or development of a new product were studied by previously existing methods, return figures and net profits were a dependable variation and accounted for the largest part in the research. However as previously mentioned, accumulation of not only tangible attributes but also intangible attributes is important in showing the effects of marketing activities. Also, it takes huge investments in order to accumulate the latter, intangible attributes.

참고 자료

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