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Case study : Cola wars continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 13,800원 할인쿠폰받기


에 대한 케이스 연구입니다.
케이스에 대해 주어진 질문에 답변하였습니다.
경영전략 과제로 작성된 것입니다.


a.Use the 5-forces framework to explain why the soft drink concentrate industry has been so profitable.
b.Why is the soft drink concentrate industry dominated by two firms?
c.Coke and Pepsi have created a very profitable industry that has lasted more than a century. What are the likely challenges to the stability of the industry structure in the coming decade? Do you think Coke and Pepsi can repeat their success with CSDs in non-CSDs?


Use the 5-forces framework to explain why the soft drink concentrate industry has been so profitable.
In the soft drink industry, the competition between companies is very fierce. In particular, Coca-Cola and Pepsi are the biggest rival product and rival companies in the world. As the largest company in the beverage market, Coca-Cola is occupied approximately 50% of the world soft drink market, and sell it over 200 countries. Pepsi runs as well as a snack business, thus it occupies second-largest comprehensive food and beverage companies after Nestle SA in the world. Due to the intense competition that exists in the industry is a threat for any new entrant considering entrance into this industry unless it has something different, innovative and better to offer.

<중 략>

Coca-Cola brand logo has never changed during 120 years, and keeps the same taste around the world. Pepsi make Pepsi-Cola reborn though successful comparisons marketing of Pepsi Challenge, and is the fact that its marketing benchmarked from companies all over the world today. However, Coca-Cola has weakness that is unable to respond appropriately to health-oriented consumer with the carbonated beverage business structure, while Pepsi has the brand awareness problem that are outnumbered compared to Coca-Cola worldwide, and North America-centric business structure. The two companies are focused on overseas expansion in order to solve these problems, and reinforcing overseas marketing activities.

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