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E-Book Industry Analysis (아마존, Amazon.com)

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이 자료는 미국대학에서 Strategic Management 수업에서 발표한 프로젝트입니다.
주제는 E-book industry에 대한 산업분석이었고 아마존닷컴이 주가 됩니다.
목차에서 보실 수 있듯이 많은 정보들이 담겨있습니다. Exhibits들도 포함되어 있습니다.
프로젝트 점수는 A 받았고, 정말 열심히 리서치하고 준비하여 작성했습니다.
여러분께도 많은 도움이 됐으면 바랍니다. 좋은 평가도 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다. :)
모두들 좋은 점수 받으세요 :)


Section 1. Company Profile

Section 2. PESTEL Analysis
2.1 Political/Legal Segment
2.2 Environmental Segment
2.3 Sociocultural Segment
2.4 Technological Segment
2.5 Economical Segment

Section 3. Industry Analysis
3.1 Introduction and Structure of the E-Book Reader Industry

3.2 Porter’s Five Forces
3.2.1. Entry Barriers
3.2.2. Rivalry
3.2.3. Supplier Bargaining Power
3.2.4. Buyer Bargaining Power
3.2.5. Substitutes

Section 4. Competitor Analysis
4.1 Amazon: Kindle
4.2 Apple: iPad
4.3 Barnes & Noble: NOOK
4.4 Self-Publishing

Section 5. Internal Analysis
5.1 Resource-Based View
5.1.1 Resources
5.1.2 Core competencies
5.1.3 Competitive Advantage

5.2 Value Chain Analysis
5.2.1 Primary Activities
5.2.2 Support Activities

Section 6. Financial Analysis
6.1 Viability
6.2 Stability
6.3 Profitability

Section 7. Strategic Formulation
7.1 Business-Level Strategy
7.2 Corporate-Level Strategy

Section 8. Recommendations


Section 1. Company Profile: Amazon.com, Inc.
Amazon.com, Inc. was founded by their current CEO, Jeff Bezos. They opened as an online store in July 1995 and went public on May 15, 1997. Amazon’s mission is to be Earth’s most customer-centric company for four primary customer sets: consumers, sellers, enterprises, and content creators. They focus on selection, price, and convenience for their customers. Amazon and other third parties are able to sell millions of products through the Amazon website. These products range from a variety of product categories including but not limited to technology, fashion, beauty, music, pet supplies, video game, etc. They are one of main leaders in the e-book industry and carry the Kindle. They operate on an everyday low price and shipping policy. One of their special offers is Amazon Prime that offers a discount on price and free shipping. Growth is a main focal point of Amazon’s strategy allowing them to provide a greater selection at lower prices.

참고 자료

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