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Longitudinal Links Between Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behaviors in a National Sample

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23페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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Child Development 학술지의 논문
에 관한 ppt자료입니다


1. Elizabeth T. Gershoff

2. Jennifer E. Lansford

3. Holly R. Sexton

4. Pamela Davis-Kean

5. Arnold J. Sameroff


1. Elizabeth T. Gershoff
University of Texas at Austin
Associate Professor
HDFS Faculty(Human Development and Family Sciences)
Research Areas
adolescence and young adulthood, infancy and childhood, interpersonal relationships, parenting and caregiving
Research Interests
Elizabeth Gershoff’s current research interests center on four topics: (1) how parental discipline affects child and youth development; (2) how contexts of poverty, neighborhoods, schools, and cultures affect children, youth, and families; (3) how exposure to various forms of violence (from parents,

<중 략>

The current study is limited in a few ways
Between-family variability in
what is considered to be a‘‘spanking”
The effects were small in magnitude and accounted for only a small percentage of the variance in spanking and children’s
externalizing behavior
This study focused on children in middle childhood, beyond the peak age of spanking
This study did not measure cultural norms directly

This study found that the longitudinal associations between spanking and child externalizing behaviors were the same across several racial and ethnic subgroups.

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Longitudinal Links Between Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behaviors in a National Sample
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