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A Case Study about Shortage of understanding about culture Failure of Euro Disney Land

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


중국 북경에 있는 대외경제 무역대학에서 유럽에서 디즈니랜드가 실패한 요인을 여러 문화적 환경분석 모형으로 분석하고, 그 실패사례를 분석한 영어레포트입니다.


Index 2

1. Introduction 3
2. CASE description 3
3. Analyzing of underlying problems and consequences 4
4. Solution and lessons learned 7
5. Conclusion 7

References 9


Each country and culture was made by numerous circulation of history. At past time they have only a little interchange at there own’s independent space. But by developing of transportation and communication, between the country and country’s physical distance was more closed. It seem to be that the Earth be like a country which consist of some village. So interacting has increased on each culture. However the lack of understanding about different cultures can cause misunderstandings and failure of entering the market with false information for companies. The failure of Euro Disney CASE stories can be a good example to understand the importance of difference cultural understanding. Let’s see the CASE.

<중 략>

We were able to know about the importance of cultural understanding through Disneyland CASE again. Cultural understanding between the individual and the individual is important, but for company is most important ting. Goal of the company is the pursuit of profit. Such as Euro Disney Land CASE, wrong cultural understanding could lead to a large deficit and the financial problems. Disney Inc. is a giant corporations be able to afford to get revenue in the United States and Japan about a huge deficit in Euro Disney, so Disney Inc. is able to continue operating. But if they were weak capital structure or a small business, they will withdrawal of the companies or put the pros and cons crisis. As I mentioned earlier, the global companies is often do management on the basis of their country experience. However management is also a part of culture.

참고 자료

“Failure of Euro Disney land”, MoneyToday News, 2004, Reporter Kim http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=008&aid=0000402052
“EuroDisney, Emergency blood transfusion €1.3 billion from Walt Disney”, News 1 Korea, 2012, Reporter Shin
Ron Groven, ‘Future management with Walt Disney’, KINYUNGSA, 1995
Equchi Yoko, Yosida Kachmi, ‘SamGukJi answer the management strategy’, JISIKGONGGAN, 2011
Official Site of Disney Land in Paris, ‘http://www.disneylandparis.co.uk’
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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A Case Study about Shortage of understanding about culture Failure of Euro Disney Land
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