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롯데 그룹의 역사,성장을 소개하는 영문 에세이

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


롯데그룹의 탄생과 성장 과정을 분류에 맞게 쓴 영어 에세이입니다.


Table of Content
Executive summary 1
1. Introduction 2
2. Background of Lotte 2
2.1The history of Lotte 2
2.2 A presenter of South Korea 3
3. Business traditions of Lotte 3
3.1A strong sense of national identity 3
3.2 Hard-working & Dedicated attitude in Lotte 4
3.3 Pursuing high quality of product and service 5
4. Strategic Development of Lotte 6
4.1 Product development and diversification 7
4.2 Advanced brand management 8
4.2.1 Be ‘Lotted’ 8
4.2.2 A well-built official website 8
4.2.3 Interactive online shopping 8
4.3 Win market from making a difference 9
5. Conclusion 10
6. Recommendations 10
7. References 11


Table of ContentExecutive summary 11. Introduction 22. Background of Lotte 22.1The history of Lotte 22.2 A presenter of South Korea 33. Business traditions of Lotte 33.1A strong sense of national identity 3 Dedicated attitude in Lotte 43.3 Pursuing high quality of product and service 54. Strategic Development of Lotte 64.1 Product development and diversification 74.2 Advanced brand management 84.2.1 Be ‘Lotted’ 84.2.2 A well-built official website 84.2.3 Interactive online shopping 84.3 Win market from making a difference 95. Conclusion 106. Recommendations 107. References 11Executive summaryWith the advent of 21 century, the Lotte Group has grown into first-rate competitive business entity. It successfully operated in food, retail

<중 략>

In Lotte’s shopping website, there is a motto: ‘if you find the price is more expensive than Carrefour, please contact us immediately, and you will get the chance to win a prize’. In order to gain advantages in the fiercely competitive business environment, Lotte has developed its advanced marketing means.For example, Lotte built its theme park in 1989 which is seen as the local Disneyland in South Korea. The strategic vision of this park is ‘one stop entertainment centre’. Travelers in the park can find hotels, shopping mall and restaurants (Jiwon, 2005). However, the Lotte theme park combines the characteristics of Disneyland with Asian elements by providing the customers multiple choices to experience Korean folk. Moreover, Lotte creates a family atmosphere to accommodate the Asian culture.Another example here is Lotte fast food restaurant

참고 자료

Aisbett, N (2001). 2001 Pusan Lotte Show. Business Korea, 18 (4), p.76.
Barnes, A. B. (2008). Lotte in South Korea. The economics, 38 (85), p.87.
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Chee, Y.H., & Byungnam, L.M. (1996). Business Strategy, Participative Human Resource Management and Organizational
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Chile, S. (2005). Retail store of the year. Chain Store Age, 81 (2), P.96.
Cotton, J. (1999). The state, society and big business in South Korea. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 53(2), 216-218.
Daniel, M. (2002). The Emergence of Business Groups: Israel and South Korea Compared. Organization Studies, 23(5), 737-758.
Han, C., Jang, J., & Kim, S. (2010). Advocacy Coalitions in Regulating Big Business in South Korea: Change of Chaebol`s Holding Company Policy. Korea Observer, 41(2), 161.
Hilts, P. J. (2009). Research and markets: South Korea food and drink report Q3 2009-independentforecasts and competitive intelligence on South Korea’s food and drink industry. Communications, 3 (5), p,75-77.
Hitt, M.A., Hoskisson, R.E., & Ireland, R.D. (2005). Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases. Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western
Jiwon, P. (2005). The publishing business in South Korea— Are we heading in the right direction. Publishing Research Quarterly, 21(2), 56-60.
Pan, A. (2009). Emerging investors. The Economist, 2 (4), p.4.
Platt, G. (2006). Lotte rings up record GDR. Global finance, 20 (4), p.13.
Rowley, C., & Bae, J. (2004). Big Business in South Korea: The Reconfiguration Process. Asia Pacific Business Review, 10(3/4), 302.
Washington, C.W. (2007). Hillsborough drumming up business in Japan and South Korea. Platt`s International Coal Report, Isis, 824, 5.
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