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통일한국 수퍼 파워의 탄생 영문 에세이

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9페이지/ MS 워드
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통일한국의 수퍼 파워 가능성과 한국의 역사 경제 전반을 분석한 영어에세이 입니다.




e South left to a major war in the 1950’s which never formally ended, but remains to this day in a stale mate condition of cease fire. With the background given above and the scenarios put forth in this paper, a clear argument in favour of peaceful re-Unification will be established. Through process of elimination, peaceful re-unification will be proven to be not only the most likely scenario but also the most achievable.Five decades have passes and enmity continues to run deep between the North and South in general, and the DPRK and the U.S in particular, hardening the partition of the Korean Peninsula. Militarily, the Korean Peninsula is home to almost two million troops, ballistic missiles, chemical weapons and actual Chung, 1999:1). Many scenarios have been presented over the years, but all have severe limitation as to their implementation

<중 략>

both Presidents signed a reconciliation pact on order to officially declare an end to the Korean War (Reuters, 2007). Through signing the peace treaty, the North Korean government has agreed to shut down its three main nuclear facilities and provide the world with a clear and concise declaration of all its nuclear programs (Reuters, 2007). In addition, both Presidents have agreed to assist in reuniting Koreans who have been separated by the tumultuous border (Reuters, 2007).This paper has so far argued entirely from a Western perspective, but a review of North Korean politics is needed in order to balance

참고 자료

CBS5 (2007). Roh asks Bush to declare end to Korean War. CBS5 News Interactive. September 7th, 2007. Retrieved September 15th, 2007 from:
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (1993). Korean Unification: Implications for the Northeast Asia. Centre
for Strategic and International Studies: Washington, D.C. Retrieved August 13th, 2007 from:
Cumings, B. (1995). Divided Korea: United Future? Headline Series: New York.
Dennis, C. (2003). U.S. angers Koreans as reunification stalls; `axis of evil` rhetoric, Bush’s pro-war policies blamed for chill in talks. National Catholic Reporter. Retrieved August 15th, 2007 from:
Institute for National Strategic Studies (1997). Strategic Assessment 1997. National Defence University: Washington, D.D.
Lim. C-W. (2007). Leaders Break the Ice. Herald Sun. October 2nd, 2007: p. 29.
Noland, M. (2000). The Economics of Korean Unification. Peterson Institute for International Economics: Washington, D.C.
Pollack, J. & Chung, M. L. (1999). Preparing for Korean Unification: Scenarios and Implications. Rand: Santa Monica.
Reuters, A. (2007). Toast to Summit Success. Herald Sun. October 5th, 2007: p. 35.
Rhee, T. (2001). Will Korea be Unified? Korea Herald. January 30th, 2001. Retrieved August 11th, 2007 from:
Shuja, S. M. (2003). Contemporary Review: Korean Re-Unification. Retrieved August 10th, 2007 from:
Verheven, D. (1998). The German Question: A Cultural, Historical and Geographical Exploration. Westview Press: Colorado.
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