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007 스카이폴 (skyfall) 영화 영어 감상문(영어 독후감)

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4페이지/ 한컴오피스
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007 스카이폴(007 skyfall) 의 영어 감상문(영어 독후감) 입니다.
007 스카이폴 영어 감상문 입니다. 영어 감상문, 영어 독후감, 영어 작문, 영화 영어 감상문




The idea that the James Bond film series needs to be rebooted doesn’t make a lot of sense. Nearly every film is a reboot because there’s virtually no continuity between films. Daniel Craig’s first outing as the superspy 007 in Casino Royale was a reboot of sorts in the sense that many of the things the Bond series had been known for were ousted. Neither Miss Moneypenny nor Q made appearances. With Skyfall, Craig’s third turn as Bond, it becomes clearer that the new series is something akin to a reboot because many of the old comforts have returned.
There is now a new Q in the person of the young Ben Whishaw

<중 략>

Craig continues to demonstrate that he is a serious rival to Sean Connery as the defining image of James Bond. However, though it’s certainly no fault of his, I preferred the direction of the character in his first two turns to this one, which shows a softer inner turmoil by revealing his family background. I’m not sure this is the depth of character I want to see in Bond. Javier Bardem as Silva, on the other hand, is quite simply one of the greatest Bond villains ever or at least in the last three decades. The character itself is really wonderfully written, but the choice of Bardem is just a masterstroke. There’s a rumor that Mendes had originally wanted Kevin Spacey for the villain. How wrong he would have been. How he would have overplayed it and chewed the scenery like so many other larger than life Bond villains. Bardem is quiet and seething, brilliant and patient. His performance transcends the material.

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007 스카이폴 (skyfall) 영화 영어 감상문(영어 독후감)
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