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`Doubt` Tomas Hardy(Victorian era)

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영문학 영문 에세이




‘Doubt is ubiquitous in the discourse of the Victorian’. To what extent is this true of Thomas Hardy?

In the Victorian era, Britain was at the height of its prosperity and was also in the midst of a rapidly changing social situation. It was in a state of transition with increasing urbanization, industrialism and calls for reform Most of the literature of the time reflects the contemporary historical facts. There is no room to doubt that all the changes of the Victorian era exercised an influence on literary works. This is particularly evident in the subject of major changes; one of these changes was the conflict that developed between science and religion. This conflict is well documented in the Victorian writings such as prose, novels and poetry. Realism, which was also widespread during this period , should be taken into consideration. The majority of the Victorian novels were more likely to be a mirror of the society than the other period novels.
As a result of this, the Victorian era was the one of the most flourishing periods in literature. Numerous works were written which dealt with multifarious issues that existed at the time. The works are complex, individual and sometimes contradictory, rather than showing coherence. For these reason, most analysts generally say the characteristic of the Victorian novels are hard to define.

참고 자료

Sean Purchase, In key concept in Victorian Literature, (Basing stoke, Palgrave, 2006)
Elizabeth Jay, Faith and Doubt in Victorian Britain, (London: Macmillan, 1986)
Owen Chadwick, The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975)
Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, (London: Penguin Books Ltd)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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`Doubt` Tomas Hardy(Victorian era)
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