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The Positive Effect of More Immigrants on US Economy

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9페이지/ MS 워드
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이 글은 미국 사회에서 이민이 의미하는 바와, 향후 미 정부가 선택해야 할 이민정책의 방향에 대해서 논의해 보았습니다. 특히 이 글에서는 적극적 이민정책이 미 경제와 사회에 어떤 긍정적 효과를 가져올 수 있는지에 대해 설명하고 있습니다. 본문과 참고문헌 모두 영문으로 작성되어 있습니다.




The Positive Effect of More Immigrants on US Economy
The United States has been the strongest country in the world for a long time. It is a very interesting fact because the United States has had a short historical period compared to many other well developed countries such as England, Japan, and Germany. The reason that the United States has been a leader in the world is based on its economical strength. Then, what makes the economy of this country so strong? It is closely related to the characteristic of the United States. America is often called “a Melting Pot.” It is because America is built by many different immigrants. For example, America consists of Anglo Saxon, Hispanic, and Asian. Immigrants from many other countries have worked a lot and contributed to the country, having their “American Dream.” Historically speaking, immigrants usually had an obvious reason to succeed in the United States because most of them gave up to live in their home countries due to poverty or came to America to earn more money. For immigrants, the United States has existed as an opportunity land, and in practice many of them attained their goal.

참고 자료

Batalova, J., Lowell, B. (2007). Immigrant Professionals in the United States. Society, 44(2), 26-31. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from Academic Search Elite database.
Enchautegui, M. (1998, December). Low-Skilled Immigrants and the changing American Labor Market. Population & Development Review, 24(4), 811-824. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from Academic Search Elite database.
Harrington-Lueker, D., Schroeder, K. (1991, July). Demography as destiny: Immigration and School. Education Digest 56(5), 2-5, 4. Retrieved November 18, 2007, from Academic Search Elite database.
Hayashi, Y., Moffett, S. (2007, May). Cautiously, an Aging Japan Warms to Foreign Workers. Wall Street Journal, 249(122), A1-A12. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from Academic Search Elite database.
Kirchhoff, S. (2004, August). Immigrants chase American dream. USA Today. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from Academic Search Elite database.
Lamm, R., Blank, R. ( 2005). The Challenge of an Aging Society. Futurist, 39(4), 23-27. Retrieved Novembe
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