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1984 영어 독후감

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1984 영어 독후감입니다




1984, when I even was not born in seems an unfamiliar number to me. That was when Korea was in the control of military government and the Korean nation was struggling with the necessities of life. Because of the background and experience that Korean adults who are above age of 30 had, I imagined the miserable and laborious life of my parents` age people when I saw the number, 1984 through this book.
The book of 1984 is an Orwell classic, about totalitarian governments were deceiving the people, destroying freedom, and ruining the world. The whole story can be shortened in a sentence, “How is a man becoming to resist a government and be ruined under the control of the government`s system?” The main character is Winston Smith, a disgruntled middle dass office worker who secretly harbored a hatred of The Party. The world where Winston lived was divided into three super states: Oceana, Eurasis and Eastasia. Winston lived in New London, the capital of Oceana, which was ruled by a totalitarian regime known as the The Party and its leader Big Brother. They change history to their fondness and falsify endless documents to be in their favor. Winston did not know what was true and false. The party was incessantly watching Winston and he had to be careful not to reveal his real shape.

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