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[영문리포트] 동양과 서양의 동성애에 관한 시각

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동서양의 동성애 시각 비교를 영문으로 작성한 자료입니다.




The great philosopher Socrates was well-known as a boy maniac. He once even said “the passion for a boy is a sacred feeling”(Song 72). As we can infer from his words, homosexuality was not regarded as a sin in his time. However, the Roman Catholic designated homosexuality as a sin right after it became a state religion of the Roman Empire. Since then, western civilization has named homosexuals as perverts, nonetheless, they existed throughout the history: From the Great Alexander to William Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky to Nightingale, Andy Warhol to Eleanor Roosevelt, and Freddy Mercury to Madonna(Sodomy pt.6.1). Those homosexuals pop up when asked to list some of the names and interestingly, they are all westerners. What is the reason of not hearing the names and histories of Asian homosexuals? Why is it so forbidden? Why is Korea still considered much conservative when it comes to homosexuality issues? It would be curious to find out how west and east have a different perspective on homosexuality.

참고 자료

Bong, Youngshik D.“The Gay Rights Movement in Democratizing Korea.”Korean StudiesJan. 2008, Vol. 32, p86-103, 18p. Print.
Backus, Fred. “Poll: Americans Divided On Gay Marriage.”Cbsnews.com. CBS NEWS. 3 Apr. 2009. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
Gill, Addison. Illustrated Guide to the Gay Bathhouse.New York. Phillip Reeves, 2010. Print.
“Gladder to be gay: A multinational’s job advert stirs controversy.” Editorial. Economist.com. The Economist,22 October 2011. Web. 5 Nov. 2011.
Grow, Doug. “Minnesota's gay community purposely moving slowly on gay marriage efforts.”
MinnPost.com. MinnPost, 24 Nov. 2008. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.
Hall, Simon. “The American Gay Rights Movement and Patriotic Protest.”Journal of the History of Sexuality Sep. 2010, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p536-562, 27p. Print.
Kim, Young-Gwan. “Homosexuality in ancient and modern Korea.”Culture, Health & Sexuality
Jan. / Feb. 2006, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p59-65, 7p. Print.
Korean Broadcasting System. Survey on Homosexuality.Seoul: Korean Brocasting System, 11
Oct. 2010. Print.
“Korean Gays, Just Married.” Editorial. Hankyoreh.com. Hankyoreh 21, 11 March 2004. Web. 6
Nov. 2011.
Langer, Gary. “ABC News/Washington Post poll: Gay Marriage.”Abcnews.go.com.ABC
NEWS, 18 Mar. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
“Mayor defends same-sex marriages.”CNN Justice.CNN.com 22 Feb. 2004. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.
Newport, Frank. “Opposition to Legalized Same-Sex Marriage Steady.”Gallup.com. Gallup Poll
Tuesday Briefing, 11 Mar. 2004. Web. 6 Nov. 2011.
Park, Seokchul. “Progress on the View of Homosexuality Among Teenagers.”Ohmynews.com
Ohmynews, 28 Oct. 05. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
“Sodomy.”Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 9 Oct. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2011.
Song, Hyun. Weird Socrates.Seoul: Sol., 2005. Print.
Specht, Mathias. “Discrimination against homosexuals.”Koreatimes.co.kr.The Korea Times 2
Sept. 2011. Web. 5 Nov. 2011.
Walen, Alec. “The ‘Defense of Marriage Act’and AuthoritarianMorality.”William & Mary Bill
of Rights Journal 5.2 (1997): 618-642. Print.

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