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New Zealand`s biggest company Fonterra

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Fonterra: Milking their success factors.


1. Introduction pg. 4

2. International Success Factors pg. 5-13
2.1 Membership Cooperative Ownership Structure pg. 5-9
2.1.1 Industry Based View pg. 5-6
2.1.2 Resource Based View pg.7-8
2.1.3 Institution Based View pg.9
2.2 Lean Supply Chain Management pg.10-13
2.2.1 Analysis Using VRIO Framework pg. 11-12
2.2.2 Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis pg.13

3. Conclusion pg.14

4. References pg.15-16


Fonterra was formed in 2001 after the merging of the New Zealand Dairy Board, New Zealand Dairy Group and Kiwi Co-operative Dairies (REF). Fonterra now represent 96% of dairy farmers in New Zealand, have annual turnover of $16 billion and is the world’s largest low cost dairy exporter.
This report identifies two key factors that are crucial to Fonterra’s international success. Firstly, Fonterra’s cooperative membership structure. Fonterra is made up of 11000 dairy farmers who in turn control 96% of New Zealand’s dairy produce. The dairy farmers act cooperatively under Fonterra in order to earn the most capital for their production of dairy produce. This unique ownership structure has allowed for stages of the production process to be removed in order to cut costs and be more efficient. This structure is valuable

<중 략>

A rare, valuable and hard to imitate supply chain does not necessarily translate into a winning formula over rivals. However the fact that since its inception, Fonterra has been able to sustain a low cost advantage over its competitors suggests it has been able to transform the attributes of a lean supply chain into a low cost advantage and thereby into success.
Evidence even suggests that Fonterra is prepared to go beyond its own company boundaries in order to develop and leverage the full potential of collective resources and capabilities. In the case of our cool store example Fonterra suggests that cooperating with other agricultural industries may result in a net gain for the parties involved “We all have the same storage needs and if we cooperate we can drive our competitive edge by maximising efficiency through greater economies of scale.”
Porters 5 Forces Model

참고 자료

Bronwyn Howell, L. C. (2004). Case Study 5: Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited. Wellington: New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competiton and Regulation.
Challies, E. R., & Murray, W. E. (2006). Productive transformations and bilateralism in the semi-periphery: A comparative political economy of the dairy complexes of New Zealand and Chile. Asia Pacific Viewpoint , 47 (3), 351-365.
Cook, M. L., & Chaddad, F. R. (2004). Redesigning Cooperative Boundaries: The Emergence of New Models. American Agricultural Economics Association , 5, 1249-1253.
Cook, M. L., & Plunkett, B. (2006). Collective Entrepreneurship: An Emerging Phenomenon in Producer-Owned Organizations. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics , 38 (2), 421-428.
Dann, L. (2003). Asset Sales Aid Fonterra Profit. The New Zealand Hearld . Retrieved from Newztext Database.
Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd. (2009). Retrieved March 28, 2011, from Reference for Business: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/48/Fonterra-Co-Operative-Group-Ltd.html.
Fonterra. (2010, 08 10). Fonterra opens New Zealand's largest cool store. Retrieved 04 01, 2011, from Fonterra: http://www.fonterra.com/wps/wcm/connect/fonterracom/fonterra.com/our+business/news/media+releases/fonterra+opens+new+zealands+largest+cool+store
Fonterra. (2008, 11 17). Fonterra streamlines Southland supply chain with new stores. Retrieved 04 01, 2011, from Fonterra: http://www.fonterra.com/wps/wcm/connect/fonterracom/fonterra.com/our+business/news/media+releases/fonterra+streamlines+southland+supply+chain+with+new+stores
Fonterra. (2010, December 31). Our History. Retrieved March 29, 2011, from Fonterra: http://www.fonterra.com/wps/wcm/connect/fonterracom/fonterra.com/our+business/fonterra+at+a+glance/about+us/our+history
Gossage, L. (2011). Fonterra's Global Vision for Health and Safety. Retrieved March 28, 2011, from Industrial Safety News: http://www.isn.co.nz/component/content/article/36-sept-october-2011/56-fonterras-global-vision-for-health-and-safety
Hendery, S. (2006, June 5). Fonterra Sells to the World 24/7 with $10bn Service Hub. The New Zealand Hearld . Retrieved from Newztext Plus Database.
Humphries, K. (2009, 01 19). Tension mounts over EU dairy subsidies. Retrieved 04 01, 2011, from just-food: http://www.just-food.com/analysis/tension-mounts-over-eu-dairy-subsidies_id105096.aspx
Peng, M. W. (2009). Global Strategy Second Edition. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.
Ward, S. (2006, May 24). Fonterra Ownership may be Opened up to Sharemilkers. The New Zealand Herald . Retrieved from Newztext Plus Database.
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