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Human-animal communications: Qualities, Conditions, and Circumstances

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9페이지/ MS 워드
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동물과 인간 사이에 이루어진 의사소통에 대하여 실제 사례 중심으로 조사, 정리해놓은 레포트입니다. 영어로 쓰여있습니다.


1. Human-animal Communication and Its Information Delivering Method
2. Precedents of Human-animal Communication
3. Internal and Individual Factors that Make Human-animal Communication Possible
4. External and Environmental Factors That make Human-animal Communication Possible
5. Relationships Between the Factors


Animal communication is the process by which impressions, thoughts, images and feelings can be transmitted and received between beings of different species. Animal communicators, who intercommunicate with animals, share information with them deeply and precisely through skillful methods. This interaction is called ‘intuitive communication.’ It is not a logical procedure but an ability that is similar to ‘sixth sense.’ This concept may sound odd, but unlike human beings, who are constantly conformed to rules and institutions to fit in society, animals have maintained this ability as they directly use intuition for survival. They are constantly aware of their surroundings and react to other creatures’ movement and around them based on intuition. Thus, intuition is used for communication with animals.
In intuitive communication, information is delivered in five ways: feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling, and tasting. Feeling in intuitive communication is perception of other’s emotional status such as whether he or she is feeling good or bad, whether or not one is sick. This phenomenon is called `clairsentience`, which means ‘clearly sensing.’ Its function is similar to the sense of touch, but is distinguished by a larger domain. Hearing in terms of mental operation means exchanging words and ideas through the mind.

참고 자료

Animal Communication, Animal Communicator: Cindy Wenger. Web. 17 April 2009. Peaceable Kingdom Animal Communications. 26 Novernber 2011. .
Animal Communicator Heidi Wright, Animal Psychic, Reiki Master ? Animal Communicator Heidi Wright. Web. 22 May 2005. Institution of Animal Communication and Consultation. 26 November 2011 .
Hiby, Lydia. and Bonnie S. Weintrab. You Can Talk to Your Animals. Chicago. NewSage Press, 1998.
Horsley, Pea. Heart to Heart. California. Harper Element, 2010.
Kinkade, Amelia. The Language of Miracles: A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals. New York. New World Library, 2006.
Lydia Hiby Animal Communicator. Web. 10 August 2010. Lydia Hiby. 26 Nov. 2011. < http://www.lydiahiby.com/>.
Marler, Peter. “Animal Communication Signals.” Science, New Series, Vol. 157, No. 3790 (1967): 769-774.
Sanders, Clinton R. “Actions Speak Louder than Words.” Symbolic Interation, Vol. 26, No.3 (2003): 405-426.
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Human-animal communications: Qualities, Conditions, and Circumstances
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