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자끄 엘룰의 `세상속의 그리스도인` 영문 독후감

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4페이지/ MS 워드
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(미국동부지역) 신학대학원 기독교윤리학 과제로 작성한 영문레포트입니다. 자끄 엘룰의 "세상속의 그리스도인" 독후감 이며, 지도 교수님이신 David W. Gill의 코멘트도 함께 있습니다.




Someone said, “To Christian, the world is a spiritual battlefield not a playground.”
I agree with this statement. Jacques Ellul even wrote in his book as “The Christian life is always an agony.” Christians cannot be separated from the world, because this world is where we belong. We cannot declare that we are free from the sin of this world. Whenever I watch the news, it confirms that evolutionism is not true. They say all creatures are evolving, but we are becoming wicked and selfish. Jacques said all around us we constantly see the action of Satan. It means we cannot improve the world by ourselves. Modern man can no longer have confidence in the virtues of the individual, in his kindness, or his energy, because we are no longer confronted by individual sins but by the state of sin of humanity. Christians are followers of Jesus and that means we should live differently. But do we live differently? People willingly embraced the sin gospel , but they became nervous when pastors started teaching the gospel as a new way of living.

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