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intercultural interview

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


intercultural interview from communication class




"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" This is a famous proverb people might have heard of at least once in their life time. However, Hyerim Lee (22, F), who moved from South Korea to the United States six years ago, responded that the reality of "doing as the Romans do in Rome" is not easy as it is sounded. In a huge storm of learning English, Lee`s parents suggested her to study abroad in the United States as a foreign exchange student. Lee also wanted to experience a different part of the world but did not know if she could adapt to a new environment successfully.

<중 략>

During the interview with Lee, her story reminded me to reflect on my first year in the United Sates. As I felt, Lee told me that whenever she thinks of her first two months in the United States, she wonders how she endured the time at such a young age. I have been living here for seven years now, however, I never thought about my own identity reflecting my experience in a new culture. I first learned that an age is an important key to one`s identity in a new environment. If Lee did not come at such a young age, there should be fewer worries about her identity. I found many Korean immigrants, who moved to the United States in their 30s or 40s, are hugely dependent on ex-pat community but they surely think themselves as Koreans. I also learned that the influence of culture is much more

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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intercultural interview
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