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Laws About Class and Estate 제본용

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/ MS 워드
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세계여러나라의 법. 신분제, 사람들의 서열을 규정한 세계여러나라, 여러 고대법들에 대한 리포트



2.French Code
(2)The development of people’s legal status
(3)The Current French Code

3.German Code
(2)The development of people’s legal status
(3)The Weimar constitution
(4)Austrian Law

4.Common law
(2)The establishment and development of Common law
(3)The Magna Carta
(4)People’s rank in Anglo Saxon society
(5)The democracy’s legislation
(6)Abolish of Slavery in England
(7)Black stone

5.America law
(2)The liberation of slave
(3)The abolish of slavery at American Civil war period
(4)The Race problem in America
(5)The woman status’s development

6.Closing Remark



Last report, I concerned generally ancient laws. But, in this report, I will concern the Feudal period, Modern times and current laws. Also, the last report’s law’s area was north Europe and Middle East, but in this report, the main area is west Europe and America. The West Europe and America’s law is affected to each other. The Europe shared their history because of distance and war. Also, by Columbus’s discovery of America and Puritan, the America law was affected by Europe’s laws.
So, in this report, the main law is Europe.

French Law
Before the current French code exists, there were laws at the area which become France. This chapter, the development of people’s legal status will treat the flow of development of law concerned about ranks. Also, at the next chapter, I will treat the current French code. By these chapters, you can know the people’s rank’s development’s flow at French code with French history.
The start of this chapter is about the laws existed before the ‘country’ of France.
The development of people’s legal status in France
History of French law

참고 자료

The Europaische Rechtsgeschichte (The law history of the west) / Prof. Changko Choi / 2003 / Pak Young Sa publishing co
The German law history 上 / Cho Kyu Chang / 2010 / Korea University publishing department
The German law history 下 / Cho Kyu Chang / 2010 / Korea University publishing department
The Magic Mirror ; Law in American History 2nd edition / Kermit L. Hall and Peter Karsten / 15. 3. 2009. / Ratio Press
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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