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Case Studies AIA Top 10(2012) MUsic and science Building

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


AIA TOP 10 2012년도에 선정된 친환경 건축물에 대한 사례입니다. ppt 노트에 발표 내용 및 건물에 대한 상세내용 포함되어있습니다.


1. Case Studies: Building Profile
2. Design & Innovation
3. Regional/Community Design
4. Land Use & Site Ecology
5. Bioclimatic Design
6. Light & Air
7. Water Cycle
8. Energy Flows & Energy Future
9. Materials & Construction
10. Long Life, Loose Fit
11. Collective Wisdom & Feedback Loops
12. Other Information


The Music and Science Building is the latest addition to the Hood River Middle School campus in Hood River, Oregon. It provides a new facility to serve the school’s remarkable and unique Outdoor Classroom Project based on the principles of Permaculture. Situated directly adjacent to the historic main school building on the campus, the design of the Music/Science building had two primary objectives: create a public building that truly fuses sustainable design with sustainability curriculum, and carefully integrate the facility into the existing National Historic Landmark site. The building is home to a new music room, practice rooms, teacher offices, a science lab, and a greenhouse.
The interface between the building and its environmental and cultural landscape is particularly important for the curriculum at Hood River Middle School. The new music room serves not only music classes, but is available to many school and community arts groups. The greenhouse serves as a laboratory where students grow plants using water from a ‘living machine’ that recycles wastewater for irrigation.

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Case Studies AIA Top 10(2012)  MUsic and science Building
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