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(영문리포트)Should we rise the driving age?

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최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
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미국 대학 영어수업에서 쓴 엣세이 입니다.
학점은 B+받은 엣세이구요, 마지막 리비젼이라 그래머는 거의 완벽다하고 생각합니다.




Driver must be age 17 in England, also in Germany, driver has to be 18. These countries’ teens have lower fatality rates than in America. The legal age to get driver license is sixteen years old in America. According to Teen Driving, about 3,600 teen drivers died in vehicle accidents in 2003(Triplett 1). For this reason, in these days, teen driving is became a big issue in America, even some people think that it is better if teenagers do not start to drive until they are at least 17 or 18 years old. Then, should we raise the driving age in America? There are main three evidences which support that we should raise the driving age in America.
First, teen drivers’ are more likely involved in fatal accidents than any other age groups. According to Williams’ Earning a driver’s license, “the crash rate for 16-year-olds is eight times that of drivers ages 20 and older and three times that of teenagers 18 to 19 years old when calculated per mile driven”(1). In this statement, we can perceive that teen drivers have been involved high percentages of fatal accidents. According to Teen Driving, “drivers between ages 15 and 20 make up about only 6.4 percent of the nation’s driving population, but for the last 10 years they have been involved in approximately 14 percent of all fatal car crashes(Triplett, par 4). As you can see, rate of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents was increased recently. Matthew stated that more than 1,100 people were killed in 2004 in crashes where one of the drivers was 16(1). These statements tells us that not only teen drivers are in danger, but also other age groups are in danger.

참고 자료

Triplett, William. “teen Driving.” CQ Researcher 15.1 (2005): 1-24. 26 Nov. 2006 <http://library.cqpress.com/>

Williams, Allan F. “Earning a driver’s license.” Public Health Reports. Hyattsville:
Nov/Dec 1997. Vol. 112, 6: pg. 452. ProQuest <http://www.proquest.com>

Gritzinger, Bob. “Driver ED vs. Driver’s Edge.” Autoweek. Detroit: Sep 4, 2006. Vol.
56, 36;pg. 26. ProQuest <http://www.proquest.com>

Egendorf, Laura K. “Teen Alcoholism.” San Diego, CA : Greenhaven Press, c2001.

Wald, Matthew. “Licensing Restrictions save young Drivers’ Lives, Study Says.”
New York Times. New York, N.Y : Jul 3, 2006. pg. A. 10. ProQuest <http://www.proquest.com>
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