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Human Resource Management-Should ‘Salary Peak System’ be adopted?(임금피크제)

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최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
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Human Resource Management and Development-Salary Peak System(임금피크제)
외국인 교수님께 A+받은 영문레포트 입니다.

그래프, Reference(참고 문헌)가 포함되어 있습니다.


1. Introduction
2. Aging Korean society
3. Salary peak system
4. Cases of Korean Companies
5. Conclusion


Recently, it has been a controversial issue for employees and companies whether to adopt ‘Salary Peak System’. The salary peak system provides aged workers with an opportunity to work past their retirement age for a salary less than their peak salary. (Chang, 2004) I believe this system is necessary for Korean society due to the fact that life span has increased more and more and people are reluctant to retire. I would like to analyze ‘Salary Peak System’ and the reasons it should be adopted and also suggest a direction the employees, companies and government in Korean society head for better outcome.

Aging Korean society
Korea has the fastest aging society in OECD countries. 75 years old for male’s average life span 82 years old for female’s average life span according to Statistics in 2007. 20.8% of its population shall be over 65 years old in 2026 entering the ultra aging society. (N.A., 2011)

참고 자료

Chang. S. (2004). Alternative Retirement Plans and the Salary Peak System in Korea, Vol.4,, No. 3, pp99~114, Korea Labor Institute.
Ghee. S.L, Robert.L.M. & John.H.J. (2012). Human Resource Management:An Asian Edition, Korea, Cengage Learging.
Kwon. S. Y., (2012). The Age Management and Wage Peak System of Korean Firms, Korea, Ihwa Womens University.
Kang. S..H. (2012). TLM, Gradual Retirement, and Wage Insurance in Korea, Korea, Sungshin Womens University.
Lee. J.N. (2010). Posco’s raising retirement age, Dong A Libo., Retrieved on 15th, Oct, 2012 from http://english.donga.com/srv/k2srv.php3?biid=2010102647958
N.A. (2011). Special Estimation of Future Population, What’s Retirement Pension, Kookmin Bank, Retrieved October 23, 2012, from https://okbfex.kbstar.com/quics?page=C023144
N.A. (2011). Korean workers willing to work under salary peak system, Pacific Bridge, Inc., Retrieved October 16, 2012, from http://www.pacificbridge.com/news/korean-workers-willing-to-work-under-salary-peak-system
Jones. R. S. & Tsutsumi. M. (2008) International comparison of female labor force participation rates, Rates in 2007 for women aged 25 to 54, OECD, Retrieved November, 20, 2012, from http://www.oecd.org/korea/economicsurveyofkorea2008sustaininggrowthbyreformingthelabourmarketandimprovingtheeducationsystem.htm#add_info
Kim J. H. (2012) Glass ceiling still thick in public sector, The Korea Herald, Retrieved November, 20, 2012, from http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20121008000731
N.A.(2011) Females make up 32% of Samsungs second half hiring , The Korea Times, Retrieved November, 20, 2012, from http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2012/11/127_123563.html
N.A.(2011) Electronics Firms Raise Female Quota in Recruitment, The Korea Times, Retrieved November, 20, 2012, from http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=108&oid=040&aid=0000019084
Lim, G., Mathis, R. L, Jackson. J. H. (2012). Human Resource Management:An Asian Edition, Korea, Cengage Learging.

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Human Resource Management-Should ‘Salary Peak System’ be adopted?(임금피크제)
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