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올림픽스폰서쉽의 효과분석(베이징올림픽 및 삼성스폰서쉽 케이스스터디)-영문자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


- Introduction

- Chapter I. Study for Sports Event Sponsorship
1. Sponsorship Objectives
2. Sponsorship Methods
3. Evaluation Methods

- Chapter II. <Case Study> Implementation Research of Beijing Olympics and SAMSUNG
1. Exclusive Sponsorship Programme in Beijing 2008 Olympics
2. Samsung Sponsorship Implementation

- Chapter III. Evaluation of Implementation for Effects Analysis
1. Positive Causes and Effects by Evaluation Methods
2. Negative Effects Facts

- Conclusion



Sports is a very popular entertainment which overcomes race, region, gender and age, therefore its speed and scale of growth have been dramatic(Masterman, 2009).
At the same time, the volume of the sports marketing market also presents huge growth with the join of brand and sports, called the sports event sponsorship programme.
The diverse types of company sponsorship, which are supports of an athlete to a game or management the professional team, are being issued by non-sport business as well as sports brand to achieve heighten consumer relationship using sport theme(Drury and Elliott,1998). Especially, the world supreme sports events, Olympics, which global interest was focused, makes the world one market through the sponsorship activities of the worldwide brands such as Mcdonald, Coca cola and Adidas(Masterman, 2009). This research is ultimately aimed developments of sports event marketing business and effective sponsorship with well organized knowledge and objective evaluation.

<중 략>

2-2. Ambush Marketing
Ambushing marketing is trials of the exploitation of event effect by the brand which is not contracted any rights from the event. Therefore strict protect system of sponsorship right is a major issue of current sport events. In spite of political efforts to prohibit this tools, there are endless trials with new communication tactics(Stotlar, 2009). In 1998 FIFA World Cup in France, official sponsor Adidas gained the brand awareness rate almost 35% while Nike achieved approximately 32% without any payment of the event(Masterman, 2009).

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