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An outline of American Literature Chapter 3 summary(미국 문학사 챕터3 요약)

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Longman사에서 출판한 An outline of American Literature의 Chapter 3에 대한 summary(요약)입니다.




There were three different points of view about how American literature should grow. One group was worried that American literature still lacked national feeling. Another group felt that American literature was too young to declare its independence from the British literary tradition. The third group also felt that the call for a national literature was a mistake. The argument continued for almost a hundred years without any clear decision. As American literature grew and flowered, the greatest writers found a way to combine the best qualities of the literature of the Old and New Worlds.
Novels were the first popular literature of the newly independent United States. This was astonishing because almost no American novels were written before the Revolution. In the early days of independence, American novels served a useful purpose. They used realistic details to depict the reality of American life. William Hill Brown published the first American novel

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An outline of American Literature Chapter 3 summary(미국 문학사 챕터3 요약)
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