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37페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


(1) Introduction
I. Why Airlines?

II. Selection Criteria for Individual Enterprises
1. Alaska Airways
2. American Airlines
3. Continental Airlines
4. Delta Airlines
5. JetBlue Airways
6. Southwest Airlines
7. United Airlines

III. Analysis Method
1. Time Series Analysis
2. Ratio Analysis
3. Index Method

(2) Industry Analysis
I. Tests of Solvency
1. Times Interest Earned Ratio
2. Debt-to-Equity Ratio
3. Equity Ratio

II. Tests of Liquidity
1. Current Ratio
2. Quick Ratio

III. Tests of Profitability
1. Return on Equity (ROE)
2. Return on Assets (ROA)
3. Financial Leverage Percentage
4. Earnings per Share (EPS)
5. Quality of Income
6. Profit Margin

IV. Tests of Activity
1. Total Assets Turnover
2. Shareholders equity Turnover Ratio
3. Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
4. Receivable Turnover Ratio

V. Tests of Growth Rates
1. Growth Rate of Sales
2. Growth Rate of Total Assets

(3) Evaluation
I. Evaluation Method
1. Calculating Rankings and Distribute Points in that Order
2. Applying the Weight
3. Summing Up Value
4. Applying Weight in Accordance to the Year Recorded

II. The Result
1. Arrangement of Chart by Categories
2. Total Result
3. Conclusion


I. Why Airlines?
Profit margins for airlines have always been thin, falling well below the average profitability
of U.S. corporations. Since 2000, margins have been consistently negative. Major air carriers have recorded a surprising loss and have fallen down constantly for the past 7, 8 years. Depressions in the airlines industry were caused by many factors. First, unexpected accidents including 9.11 have been a big shock to the industry. It has made people fear to fly across the country. Moreover, oil price has increased substantially, due to Iraq war and the restless conditions of the Middle East, not to mention the vast oil consumption of China.

Even now for airline companies, the conditions have not been normalized. However, it looked like the carriers are on the verge of finding their way out from the long depression. Airlines industry had hit their bottom during 2003. In 2006, U.S. airlines generated an operating margin of 4.6 percent on operating profits of $7.5 billion.

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