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Waste Problems in Australia

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


약 8page 영문에세이로 로 호주 대학에 제출한 에세이




Australians are producing more waste than ever before. Discuss the causes of this situation and suggest some possible solutions to the problems created by the increase in waste production.
Nations all over the world have been enjoying unprecedented economic prosperity and they have been consuming moreresources to catchfast changing trends in fashion, and electronic gadgets.As a result, they have been generatingmore waste than ever for the last few decades. Along with this global stream, Australia has consumed more and wasted more, experiencing economic growth; consequentlya single Australian creates approximately one tone of wasteevery year.

<중 략>

In conclusion, main causes and problems of increasing waste production in Australia and solutions are illustrated in this essay.A‘throwing away habit’, not recycling and inadequate national information on waste are pointed out as main causes, whereas households, commercial and industrial organizations and construction and demolition activities are analyzed as major waste producing sectors. Finally,synthetic solutions are suggested on three main levels

참고 자료

Australian Bureau of Statistics.(2008). Waste and recycling practices of households.Year book Australia. Retrieved from www.abs.gov.au
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2007). Australian social trends: Household waste trends. Retrieved from www.abs.gov.au
Clean Up Australia. (2009). Mobile phones. Mobile phone fact sheet.In J. Healey (ed) Recycling and managing waste. Issues in society, 305, 38-39.
Clean Up Australia. (2008). Rubbish report findings.In J. Healey (ed) Recycling and managing waste. Issues in society, 305, 7-8.
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (2010). Waste management and resource recovery trends. A national waste policy: Managing waste to 2020 Consultation paper. Retrieved from www.abs.gov.au
Healey, J. (2010) Glossary. Issues in society, 305, p41.
O’Connor, T. (2007, December 5). What a waste. The Sydney Morning Herald Eco, p2.
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