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(영문리포트)Croatia summery, Gabim & Vackss Textiles

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
23페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미국대학교에서 쓴 엣세이입니다. 학점은 A받았구요. 그룹으로 한것이라 그래머도 완벽합니다.


Executive Summary
Problem Statement

Factors Analyzing Opportunities
Economic Factors
Political & Legal Factors
Social & Cultural Factors
Physical & Geographical Factors

Marketing Mix
Market Entry Strategy
Human Resources

Final Recommendations

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C



Problem Statement
The following report contains the research and recommendations necessary to conduct business in Zagreb, Croatia. Gabim & Vackss is a manufacturing company that specializes in producing energy efficient machines. We are proposing a factory with a new mission to reduce environmental waste and pollution in Croatia by producing energy efficient machines and becoming a role model to others in the industry.
In analyzing Croatia, we researched the economic, political and legal, social and cultural, and physical and geographical factors in order to develop and maintain a successful business venture. Following the factors that have been researched are the recommendations to help justify our idea of becoming an international company. We addressed key marketing

<중 략>

How are sustainability practices being implemented by the government and the citizens of the regions you have mentioned?
“I know recycling is starting to pick up. There is a company that’s starting to recycle old batteries from cars, which is great because no acid gets into the earth and polluting it further. European Union is pushing the policies of sustainability, especially to Croatia, if they want to join the union. The government is starting to implement recycling policies more and more. I know the younger generation is really picking up that trend and started to separate the glass, metal, and paper into separate recycling bins. “

참고 자료

Active Projects-Croatia. (2009, August 04). Retrieved November 09, 2009, from http://www.worldbank.hr/external/default/main?menuPK=301277&pagePK=141 143&piPK=141103&theSitePK=301245
“Background Note: Croatia.” U.S. Department of State. 10 Nov. 2009
"CCG- Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards." U.S. Commerical Service. 19 March
2008. U.S. Department of Commerce, Web. 8 Nov 2009.
Central Intelligence Agency. (2009). The World Factbook. Washington, DC: CIA.
Retrieved November 8, 2009 from CIA Web site:
"Croatia." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 10 Nov. 2009 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/143561/Croatia>.
“Maufacture of Textiles and Apparel.” Croatian Chamber of Economy industry and Technology Department. 2008. Web. 11 Nov 2009. http://www2.hgk.hr/en/depts/industry/tekstil_2008_web.pdf.
"The single administrative document (SAD)." European Commission: Taxation and
Customs Union. 16 June 2009. Web. 8 Nov 2009. <http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/procedural_aspects/general/sad/in
"Time to Invest in Croatia, Investment Guide." Trade and Investment Promotion Agency. 2009. Web. 8 Nov 2009. <www.croinvest.org>.
Rudan, Dragan. "Doing Business in Croatia." Web. 11 Nov 2009. <http://www.uhy.com/media/PDFs/doing_business_guides/Doing%20Business%2 0in%20Croatia.pdf. 01012008. UHY>.
Skjolstrup, Karl-Axel. "Human Resource Development Country Analysis Croatia." European Training Foundation. May 2008. European Training Foundation, Web. 11 Nov 2009.<http://roentgen.etf.eu.int/pubmgmt.nsf/%28getAttachment%29
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