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The Katabasis of Odysseus and Aeneas

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The Katabasis of Odysseus and Aeneas: Journeys to the answers
As life is full of questions we desire for answers, especially, for the right ones to proceed through life undoubtedly and courageously. After the tragic war between Troy and Greece?the Trojan War?prosperous Troy turns into dust and ruins while Greece becomespowerful and significant. The result of this war lead two major heroes of the Trojan War: Odysseus and Aeneas,to begin theirextraordinary voyagesto the mysterious and dangerous places?even to the world of the dead?in search for their answers: the Katabasis.

<중 략>

Unlike Odysseus’s view where no standard of the justice other than obeying the Gods can be seen, the underworld under Hades has two divisions: Tartarus for the punishment and Elysium for the rewards. He also faces the various sinners who are punished for their sins before death. The Elysium is a beautiful and peaceful land where the blessed people live happily.Aeneaus is unable to acquire the wisdom of the heroes of the Trojan wars likeOdysseusbecause of they barely communicate with him. His trip to the Hades leads him to dream and plan for the future of Troy at a new land as a king. This journey is actually what led to his placement as a king. In addition, he meets his lover, Dido,in the underworld, which made him realize the big decisions he had made for the citizens have hurt his loved one.

참고 자료

Ballantyne, Mary H. Stories about Greece. Charleston: BiblioLife, 2009
Ciocia, Stefania. “To Hell and Balck: The Katabasis and the Impossibility of Epic in Derek Walcott’s Omeros.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 35 (2000): 86-103
Fagles, Robert, trans. The Odyssey ofHomer.Westminster: Penguin Group, Inc., 1996.
Molyviati-Toptsis, Urania. “Vergil’s Elysium and the Orphic-Pythagorean Ideas of After-Life.” Mnemosyne 47 (1994): 33-46
Nelson, Michael. “Odysseus and Aeneas: A classical perspective on leadership.” The Leadership Quarterly 19 (2008): 469-477
Humphries, Rolfe, trans. The Aeneid of Virgil.Riverside: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 1987.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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