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cognitive neuroscience, 인지신경과학, gazzaniga(2008)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
45페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Case) Pt (H.M.)
2. Theories of learning and memory
3. Theories of memory
4. Sensory Memory
5. Short-term Memory
6. Dissociation between STM and LTM
7. Working Memory
8. Working Memory Models
9. Episodic Memory personal events
10. Classical conditioning
11. Human memory, Brain Damage, Amnesia
12. Brain Surgery and Memory Loss
13. Anatomy of the medial temporal lobe and area : removed from H.M.
14. Coronal MRI scans of H.M.’s brain
15. Case) Pt (R.B.)
16. Diencephalic Amnesia
17. Memory consolidation, the Hippocampus, and neocortex
18. Amnesia and the Acquisition of new declarative information
19. Perceptual priming in amnesia
20. Perceptual priming
21. Animal models of Memory and The Medial temporal lobe
22. Flow of information between the neocortex and the hippocampal system
23. Imaging the human brain and memory
24. Encoding and the hippocampus
25. Retrieval and the hippocampus
26. Encoding, retrieval, and the medial temporal lobe
27. Relational memory, recollection, familiarity, and the medial temporal lobe


Case) Pt (H.M.)
seizure →medial temporal lobe

*20대: 약물에 효과가 없어 수술을 함
→ bilateral medial temporal lobectomy
→ epilepsy 호전, 해당 약물 reduction

*New difficulties
→ 기억장애가 관찰됨. But, 수술 이전의 기억은 남아있음.
-지능 정상
-지각적 / 언어적 문제 없음
-성격이나 동기적 변화 없음

*기억 양상
-수술 전 기억은 정상
-수술 후 학습(learning)이 되지 않고 새로운 장기 기억이 형성 안됨
-즉, anterograde amnesia

Temporal lobe이 기억에 관여함을 알게 됨.
이후부터 unilateral temporal lobectomy를 시행.

Theories of learning and memory
- the process of acquiring new information
- single exposure/repetition of information
ex)항상 의식적 시도는 아니다. (사람의 얼굴 기억하는 것)

- outcome of learning
- something that persists over time

*Major hypothetical stage of learning and memory
a) Processing of incoming information to be stored
b) Acquisition : registers inputs in sensory
c) Consolidation : creating a stronger representation overtime

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cognitive neuroscience, 인지신경과학, gazzaniga(2008)
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