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명지대 경영전략 / 라이언에어(RYAN AIR) 기업분석, 전략분석, 7P, 결론 및 나아갈방향 도출

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


* 해당 문서에는 읽기전용포함(08서울남산체 B) 글꼴이 포함되어 있습니다.


1. About Ryan airline?
2. LCC business industry
3. Strategy analysis
4. Ryanair’s Competitive advantage
5. Low cost position Strong point, weakness
6. Sustainable competitive advantage


Ryanair was founded in 1985 by Christy Ryan and his partners
- The biggest low cost airline in europe.
- Ryanair grows by acquiring small airlines.
The company commonly using Boeing aircraft.
- The passenger of ryanair increases steadily.
- Their load factor is more than 80%.
About Ryan airline

<중 략>

Low cost position weakness
1. All rivals share a common input. - If the wage of workers increase, the low cost strategy is threatened.
2. The strategy is imitated easily - Many low cost airlines has the similar strategy like Ryanair. South west airline removed the business seat and made more economy seat. And easyjet also provided online ticketing service and the also removed in- flight meals.
3. The low quality of differentiation is low, so the brand loyalty is low-The quality of service at Ryanair is not high. So If another airline provides the lower price, people change their transport airline.
Low cost position Strong point, weakness

- Can Ryanair sustain competitive advantage
Main compananies in LCC
-> Ryanair, EasyJet, Southwest Airline
1. Ryanair has the first mover advantage in Europe and
Irish market, so the rivals cannot imitate the historical
competitive advantage
2. Ryanair overcame Oil shock and acquired small airlines,
so they can have big market share. it is experienced by
ryanair, So it is sustainable competitive advantage.
Sustainable competitive advantage

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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