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Cause of Eating Disorder

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When the women look at themselves in a mirror, they think that their bodies are twice as bigger as the real image. This is a psychological thinking because most of women’s think that they are fat subconsciously. Women try to do diet frequently, but they always think more about food psychologically during the diet; therefore, they get stressed a lot. Psychological pressure gives not only women but also men stress about body, so people want to lose weight. For example, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which is one of the sorts of psychological problems, leads to eating disorder. To illustrate this point of view, Frederico Duarte Garcia, Emmanuelle Houy-Durand, Florence Thibaut & Pierre Dechelotte, in their research article “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a Cause of Atypical Eating Disorder : A case Report” (2009), gives an example of a woman who has a eating disorder problem because of psychological problem. Originally, her body mass index averaged 21kg/m² before she gets OCD; however, her body mass index decreased to 13.4 kg/m² after she gets OCD.

참고 자료

Beckford, M. (2007). Sister of tragic ‘size zero’ model found dead. Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1542707/Sister-of-tragic-size-zero-model-found-dead.html
Dr. Hemingway. (2007). Cause of Binge Eating Disorder (BES). Retrieved form http://www.becomenatural.com/blog/2007/07/causes-of-binge-eating-disorder-bes/
Frederico Duarte Garcia., Emmanuelle Houy-Durand., Florence Thibaut., & Pierre Dechelotte. (2009). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a Cause of Atypical Eating Disorder: A Case Report.
Gillespie, W. (2010). Mental Health Practitioners’ Professional Opinions of Etiology of Eating Disorders.
Kluger, J., Gorman, C., & Parck, A. (2004). America’s Obesity Crisis: Eating Behavior: Why We Eat. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/ magazine/article/0,9171,994388,00.html
Smolak, A. & Thompson, J. K. (2009). Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Youth.
Song, S. (2010). Study: online communities encourage eating disorders. Retrieved from http://healthland.time.com/2010/06/17/sutdy-online-communities-encourage-eating-disorders/

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