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영어 자유 에세이

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1페이지/ 한컴오피스
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미국의 아프간 전쟁에 대한 자유 형식의 영어 에세이입니다


Ⅰ. Introduction.
The U.S government suffering from their innocent civic death is actually inattentive to the death of Afghan civilians.
1) Al-Qaida terrorists resulted in violence that killed innocent civilians in America.
2) Hundreds of innocent citizens in Afghan were more sacrificed than Islamic extremists.

Ⅱ. Main body.
1. America justified their war in response to the terrorism. it seems to have no problem with their statement. But, there are four reasons the U.S can not really justify their war.
- War means an armed crash between nations or between nation and organization recognized internationally, but according to the international law, Taliban and Al-Qaeda is not a acknowledged organization nationally like the ANC.
- Unarmed civilians in Iraq were killed owing to these smart weapons.
- Even though 9.11 terror attack is so shocking and cruel, it does not mean a war.
- By reason of the Afghan war, the United States stated the Taliban`s assistance of 9.11 attack, but the U.S could not find any reason.

2. Many different interests are entangled in the matter of sending troops overseas.
- Behind this arguments, there is a pressure of the U.S.
ex)American Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld .
- In Korea, the matter of overseas dispatch is not `the past tense` but `the present perfect tense`, from Vietnam to Afghanistan.

3. I am against joining this war.
- Even though the alliance between Korea and the United States is crucial, we are under no obligation to aid endless war.
- Another reason is the fact that what citizens in Afghanistan ask for is not the overseas dispatch of armed forces but the withdrawal out of their nation.
- Diverse side effects
ex) losing human qualities , after effect of the Vietnam War.
-Strictly speaking, they actually have no answers any more than stopping the war. In this situation, sending Korean troops helps the situation create a vicious cycle.

Ⅲ. Conclusion.
The United states needs to overcome their past pains, also considering Afghan citizen`s pain and end this war. To contribute to the communities, role of Korea is trying to Stop the war.


On September 11, 19 Al-Qaida terrorists intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, killing thousands of those working in the buildings. Nearly 3,000 victims and the 19 hijackers died in the attacks; Al-Qaida terrorists resulted in violence that killed innocent civilians. People in America waked up their dream that their country always safe. After September 11, in 2001, the United States based on great military force invaded Afghanistan for the terrorists and the so-called rogue states not to threaten world peace, destroying absolutely the terrorist training camps. Then, in 2003, starting with the war in Iraq, the United States escalated the war even though there was no concrete evidence of active nuclear, chemical and biological programs in Iraq. As a result, hundreds of innocent citizens were more sacrificed than Islamic extremists.

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