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스테이트팜 (State Farm) 보험회사의 뉴올리언스 카트리나 보험 사기 (비지니스 윤리 미국대학 영어리포트 A)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기




In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in American history), millions of people were left homeless in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Millions whose homes had been destroyed came forward to insurance companies with claims for the damages occurred. One of these major companies was State Farm, and the main focus of this ethical analysis. After refusing to pay more than $2 billion post-Katrina to its customers, many lawsuits have been filed against the company by homeowners whose houses had been destroyed by the storm. From the start, it is clear to see a major ethical dilemma in the handling of the insurance claims in the midst of one of the most violent storms in American history.

<중 략>

Purposely, we did not examine the actions of State Farm through these frameworks. Deontology holds that there is a consistent universal law for right and wrong. Because the effect of wind or water damage could vary, it would be difficult to say that State Farm should pay either all or no claims. We found this approach too rigid. With respect to virtue ethics, we found the analysis to be more focused on the individual rather than business ethics. One might conclude that different individuals lacked virtue, but given all of the different players, rating the company as a whole would prove challenging.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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스테이트팜 (State Farm) 보험회사의 뉴올리언스 카트리나 보험 사기 (비지니스 윤리 미국대학 영어리포트 A)
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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