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In about Thomas Hobbes

Methodology, Psychology of Man

The State of Nature, The Laws of Nature

The Social Contract


In about Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes.(1588~1679)
Learned Greek and Latin when he was 6
and entered Oxford at the age of 15.
After graduation, he became tutor to oldest son of Lord Cavendish.
His duties permitted him to travel widely.
Associate with the leading scientists and men of letters of his day.

Strong political power
Threatening civil society
To bring order
King`s power increased
The dangers inherent in an unlimited and uncontrolled political power
Similarly, the question of a religious monopoly in the state began to create difficulty in an age when the Bible had become the fountainhead of truth, and the right of individual interpretation was widely claimed.
England enjoyed no real internal peace from the time that in 1603, the year that Hobbes entered Oxford, until the closing decades of the century.
Began to see
‘The Leviathan’

<중 략>

The Social Contract
“ Without the Sword are but words and of no strength to secure
a man at all.”
The Solution
Creating a common authority with Coercive power to maintain Social Contract
The multitude so united in one person is called a Commonwealth, in Latin Civitas.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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