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questions about globaliztion

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Summarize the structural similarities and similar problems associated with the prior globalization period and today’s globalization.
2. Why was the Bretton Woods system created? What are its five key elements?
3. How did Bretton Woods help bring about “the most rapid rates of economic growth and most enduring economic stability in modern history?
4. Discuss the similarities and differences between GATT, the IMF, the WTO, and the World Bank.
5. What brought about the demise of Bretton Woods?
6. Discuss some of the changes, critiques, and problems of the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO.
7. What are the “about face” changes that Stigliz points out about the IMF? Why does Stiglitz believe that the IMF and World Bank are failures? Summarize further “errors” and “blunders” of the IMF described by Stiglitz.
8. Why do companies become multinational? What are the various ways by which companies become trans/multinational?
9. How does Dicken’s view of MNCs run counter to some prevailing notions?
10. Why are MNCs significant in the 21st century? What are some of the problems associated with them?


During the earlier epoch global progress was spurred by developments in transportation such as the railroad and the steam ship, whereas in more recent years it has been the airplane that has played a central role in global development. The telegraph greatly enhanced global communications in the early twentieth century, while it is the Internet that plays that role nearly a century later. Global economic development, both then and now, depended on large – scale flows of capital. This is related to another similarity between today and a century ago and that is an emphasis on free trade and the elimination of trade barriers
However, similar problems are existed. First, poor nations and the peoples who inhabit them were and are subjugated by the operations of the global economy. Second, not all parts of the world gain from the growth of the global economy.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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