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[경제학] 경제발전과 세계화 economic development and globalization

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2.PART 1. Differences between Economic Growth and Economic Development
1) Theory of Economic Growth
2) Theory of Economic Development

3.PART 2. Measuring Economic Development
1) l Product (GNP)
2) Human Development Index (HDI)

4. PART 3. The Reflection of Globalisation on a Nation’s Development



For nearly half a century, economic growth has accelerated all around the world. Regardless of positions, economists, politicians, rich and poor, capitalist and socialist, have focused on economic growth and economic development. Economy is a base of living life and development.n simple theory of economic growth and economic development. Also, in second part, there is discussion of measuring economic development into two kinds of side, Gross National Product (GNP) and Human development Index (HDI).

< 중 략 >

PART 2. Measuring Economic Development
Gross National Product (GNP)
The main criterion used to classify economies and distinguish different stages of economic development is gross national product (GNP) per capita. But the World Bank has commented the use GNP per capita for the indicator does not constitute a measure of success in development. For example, in cold countries, GNP is higher than warm countries. People in cold countries need to spend more money on heating and warm clothes than other countries.

참고 자료

Jonathan M. 2011,The Handbook of Globalisation, 2nd edn, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA
Charles KW 1996, The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, 6th edn, McGraw-Hill, inc.
Stephen CS 2003, Economic Development, 8th edn, Addison Wesley
Lyn S 2003, Explaining Growth: a Global Research Project, International Economic Association
Barbara I 1995, Economics and Development, McGraw-Hill book company Europe
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[경제학] 경제발전과 세계화 economic development and globalization
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