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2. The historical background culture
- Choseon Dynasty
1) Confucianism
2) Yin-Yang and five elements of Universe

3. Sign system and semiotical meaning of HANBOK
- Signifier and signified
- Paradigm and syntagm

4. Semantic change of HANBOK in the modern society

5. Bibliography


HANBOK is the traditional Korean dress. It is often characterized by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets. Although the term literally means "Korean clothing", HANBOK today refers specifically to HANBOK of Choseon Dynasty (1392-1910) and is worn as semi-formal or formal wear during traditional festivals and celebrations.
Traditional women`s HANBOK basically consists of jeogori (a blouse shirt or a jacket) and chima (a wrap-around skirt, which is usually worn full).

<중 략>

4. Semantic change of HANBOK in the modern society
- Re-orienting: After western values have been adopted in the east, the people in the eastern cultural area started to look at eastern culture in western perspective. Thus, there was semantic change of hanbok.
- Signifiers of HANBOK in the modern society are same as that of Choseon period. However, each element doesn’t contains a different sense of signification and all related to one another and signifieds have been changed or weakened.

참고 자료

Junga Min, “Study on Semiotics of Re-Orienting Fashion”, Korea Journal of Fashion Vol.190, No.8, pp.1241-1252, 2008 Hyunjin Kim &GumsukChae, “A St
udy on Women's Costume Representations in ChoseonDynasty by the Approach of Semiotics”, Korea Journal of Fashion Vol.139, No.1, pp.13-22, 2005
Wikipedia article, “Hanbok(modified lastly on 26 May 2013) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanbok
Seung-ah Lee (13 June 2012), “Hanbok: Hidden stories in Hanbok history” http://www.korea.net/NewsFocus/Culture/view?articleId=100729
JisuAhn (27 September 2007), “Visionary of tradition: Designer Bae Young Jin refashions the Hanbok for the modern age” https://english.seoul.go.kr/gtk/news/reports_view.php?idx=1207&
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