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The Influence of the Beatles

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If asked to name the most influential rock band in history, most people would probably choose the Beatles. Even people who do not like them, or who were born years after they stopped making music, will be able to recognize their pictures or quote the lyrics of their well-known songs. The Beatles became famous in the early 1960s and broke up in 1970, and so they did not stay together for as long as many other bands like the Rolling Stones or U2. However, their influence on pop music and American society in general was enormous. Their innovations changed the way pop music was made, and their political and spiritual interests inspired many of their fans to follow them. At the same time, it is clear that the Beatles also absorbed influences from society and reflected them back out, amplifying them in the process. Although the Beatles will never reunite now that two of their members are dead, their influence is important even today, and they continue to sell many records. For these reasons, the Beatles changed American popular culture forever.

참고 자료

Beatlemania - 4 Complete Ed Sullivan Shows Starring The Beatles. Promotional Video containing clips archived at YouTube.org. Web. Accessed 15 December 2012.
Bugliosi, Vincent. Helter Skelter. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
Butler, Susan, Paul Sexton, Mariel Concepcion, and Gail Mitchell. “The Beatles for Sale.” Billboard, 15 December 2007, pp. 24-27. Print.
Gibson, Megan. “The Beatles: 1957–1970.” Time Magazine All-Time 100 Fashion Icons, 2 April 2012. Web. Accessed 15 December 2012.
Gilmore, Mikal. “Why the Beatles Broke Up.” Rolling Stone, 3 September 2009, Issue 1086, p46-94. Print.
Glassman, Julie. “The Beatles’ Musical Footprints.” BBC News Online, 30 November 2001. Web. Accessed 15 December 2012.
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today. Dir. John Sheppard. BBC, 1987. Archived at archive.org, Timothy Leary Archive. Web. Accessed 15 December 2012.
Jentsch, Eric. “Feb. 11 1964, the Beatles' First Concert in the United States.” Smithsonian Institution Natural Museum of American History Blog. Web. Accessed 15 December 2012.
Mossman, Kate. “It Was 50 Years Ago Today.” Strad, October 1, 2012 (123)(1470) pp. 50-53. Print.
Reeve, Andru J. Turn Me On, Dead Man: The Beatles and the "Paul Is Dead" Hoax. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse, 2004. Print.
Schinder, Scott and Andy Schwartz. Icons of Rock: An Encyclopedia of the Legends Who Changed Music Forever. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008. Print.
Spizer, Bruce. “The Beatles Take America.” American History, April, 2004, pp. 44-54.
Williams, Paul. “The Beatles Just Won’t Let It Be.” Music Week, 28 September 2012, pp. 14-15. Print.
Womack, Kenneth and Todd F. Davis. Reading the Beatles: Cultural Studies, Literary Criticism, and the Fab Four. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2006. Print.
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