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ethylene glycol report

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. General
2. Introduction
3. Physical and Chemical properties
4. Production
5. Uses
6. Toxicity
7. Ecological effects
8. Regulatory Status
9. Other technical information
10. References


1. General
Chemical name: 1,2-Dihydroxyethane; 1,2-ethanediol; ethylene alcohol
Trade name: Dowtherm SR 1; Fridex; Macrogol 400 BPC; Norkool; Ramp; Tescal
2. Introduction
Ethylene glycol is a colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid that has a sweet taste. It can exist in the air in vapor form. Other common names for ethylene glycol are glycol and glycol alcohol. The chemical formula for ethylene glycol is C2H6O2. Ethylene glycol is used to make antifreeze and de-icing solutions for cars, airplanes, airport runways, and boats. It is used in cooling and heating systems, hydraulic brake fluids, electrolytic condensers, plasticizers, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, lacquers, resins, wood stains, leather dyeing, photographic developing solutions, textile processing, polyester fibers, synthetic waxes

<중 략>

Most ethylene glycol poisoning incidents occur among children and pets since they are attracted to its sweet taste. Antifreeze and brake fluid leaks from motor vehicles are common sources of exposure, so all fluids that leak from a car should be cleaned up. Children should not be allowed to play in garages where automobiles or auto supplies are kept. Children should also not be allowed to play in vacant lots where cars or trucks are stored because ethylene glycol spills, although invisible, will make the soil taste sweet. Automobile antifreeze and brake fluids are being developed that do not contain ethylene glycol,, which the most promising substitute being the related, and seemingly less toxic, propylene glycol. Cosmetics that contain ethylene glycol will list the ingredient on their labels.

참고 자료

Toxics A to Z: a guide to everyday pollution hazards / John Harte ... [et al.]. , p 306- 307,
Principles of clinical toxicology / Thomas A. Gossel, J. Douglas Bricker. P 85- 87
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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