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[국제경영] 태국 자동차시장 분석 (영어)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Why Thailand?
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Attractiveness of Thailand for business.

2. Analysis of business environment of Thailand.
2.1 Benefit
1) Ongoing economic development and High demand
2) Incentives(govt` support)
3) Well developed infrastructure
4) Strategic Location
5) Avoid tariff
6) Cluster effect
2.2 COST
1) increasing labor cost
2) Corruption
3) Taxation
4) Environmental cost
2.3 RISK

3. Conclusion

4. Lesson learned / your personal thoughts

5. Appendix

6. Reference


- Motivation
The initial motivation for choosing Thailand is my memory of trip to Thailand. During my trip to Thailand I’ve seen some interesting scene. It is that the most of car in Thailand are Japanese product : mostly Toyota, Isuzu, Honda. Seeing it, I wonder why other automobile companies are almost not existing in Thailand. Also, I want to know the possibility of success if other automobile company enter into Thailand. Starting from this idea, I started to search for business environment of Thailand especially for automotive industry.

<중 략>

3. Conclusion
My conclusion is that entering in to Thailand will be beneficial for the company. In making conclusion. First, I adopted the idea of Porter`s diamond. Based on it, Government can change the four attributes of country`s business environment, which determine the attractiveness of the country. Because Thailand government’s support for automotive industry is bigger than other nations, I look forward to the potential of increasing country`s attractiveness. Also, making porter`s diamond for Thailand, there was more plus point than minus point for each attributes.

참고 자료

Noor Azlan Ghazali, 2011, “Thailand Automotive Cluster” Document is at http://www.isc.hbs.edu/pdf/Student_Projects/Thailand_Automotive_2011.pdf
Mrs. Hirunya Suchinai, 2012, “Thailand Business Environment and Investment Policies”, Document is at http://www.boi.go.th/upload/content/Hirunya-Korea_54478.pdf
Kaoru natsuda and John thoburn, 2011, “Industrial Policy and the Development of the Automotive Industry in Thailand” Document is at http://www.apu.ac.jp/rcaps/uploads/fckeditor/publications/workingPapers/RCAPS_WP11-5.pdf
“Domestic Car sales and Car Exports”, Document is at , http://www.thaiwebsites.com/cars-thailand.asp
THAILAND BOARD OF INVESTMENT, 2012, Thiland automotive industry
Christopher W. Runckel, 2013, several southeast Asian country announced New Minimum wage at the beginning of the year 2013, Document is at http://www.business-in-asia.com/asia/minimum_wage/Minimum_wages_in_Asia/minimum_wage_in_asia.html
이재호, 2007, 「태국의 주요 FTA 추진정책과 자동차 산업 전망」 , 『지역경제포커스』 , 제19권 1호 (2007) , 1-13쪽
김희경 , 2011 , 한국경제 , “포퓰리즘으로 탄생한 잉락 정권... 태국 경제 안개속으로” ,http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2011070779641
박영선, 2012, KOTRA & globalwindow.org , “태국, 교통인프라에 666억 달러 지출 예정”, http://www.globalwindow.org/gw/overmarket/GWOMAL020M.html?BBS_ID=10&MENU_CD=M10103&UPPER_MENU_CD=M10102&MENU_STEP=3&ARTICLE_ID=2156050&ARTICLE_SE=20302
KOTRA, 2013, “태국-투자입지여건”, Document is at http://www.globalwindow.org/quasar_jsp/inc/gw_downloadpdf.html?fileName=/gw_files/NationPDF/101083/101083_412_5011703.pdf and can be accessed through “해외투자진출정보포털” at http://www.ois.go.kr/portal/page?_pageid=93,721472&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_deps1=country&p_deps2=&nation_cd=101083&id=5011693
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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