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1. Based on what we have learned, can you guess the meaning difference between 1a and 1b. Also why do you think this happens? (1.5)
2. Consider the following examples
3. Explain the following examples wrt ‘grammaticalization’ (1.5)
4. In English, some verb are called light verbs. They are take, make, give, etc. Consider the following examples: Explain when we can find the light meanings of those verb and when we do not find such meanings. (2)
5. We have seen that the negative polarity item any can occur with negative sentences. However, there seems to be another restriction. Based on the following examples, find when we can use the negative polarity item any (1.5)
6-1. In English, we find some tendency that Given (or Old) information precedes New information. The main purpose of expletive (or dummy) there is to move New information to the back part of the sentence
6-2. Consider the following examples


1. Based on what we have learned, can you guess the meaning difference between 1a and 1b. Also why do you think this happens? (1.5)
a. John flew the plane.
b. John flew in the plane.
A1. What we find in difference between a and b is preposition “in.”The relational expressions describe conceptual relations that hold between entities within a conceptual core. So ‘b’ shows the figure and ground. John is the figure and the plane is the ground. However, ‘a’ doesn’t have any figure and ground relationships sentence. So the meaning of ‘a’ is John make threw the flight.

< 중 략 >

A4. Light verbs have light meaning in semantic content. Here, the meanings of the same verbs are difference between a to c and d to f. They all have the literal and clear meanings. Also they are closely similar in meaning to a corresponding heavy verb. For example: he wants to have smoke compare he wants smoke. What are they are want to express are nearly same but the when it used in light verb situation its more specifically use than full verb.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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