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최종 저작일
2페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Why, do you think, can’t any and every be modified by non-restrictive relative clauses?
2.Which type is easier(or harder) to process(or understand)? Why do you think so?
3. We have seen that in+time can co-occur with telic verbs and for+time can co-occur with atelic verbs. However, in some cases, we can find exceptions:
4. What is the reason for the meaning differences between a/b and c/d?
5. Can you find difference between group1 and group2?


Why, do you think, can’t any and every be modified by non-restrictive relative clauses?
a. Any student who didn’t enroll this course should not take the final exam.
b.*Any student, who didn’t enroll this course, should not take the final exam.
c. Every student who enroll this course should take the final exam.
d.*Every student, who enroll this course, should take the final exam.
A1. 1a and c shows slightly difference between b and, d. a,c do not have comma in the sentence. By contrast the sentence b and d have a comma. In non-restrictive relative clauses sentence, the function of comma is to provide additional information about a referent, also non-restrictive relative clauses necessarily have to describe a definite referent in the sentence. However, the words like ‘any’ and ‘every’ are not the definite pronoun that indicate proper noun. So I think it can not be modified by non-restrictive relative clauses.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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2024년 07월 18일 목요일
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