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Adaptive Stereo Vision Algorithm for Measuring

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1. Introduction
2. Stereo Vision System
3. Suggested System
4. Simulation Results and Discussions
5. Conclusion


Stereo vision algorithm is used to measure the distance between a fixed camera and an unknown object. Stereo vision method is suitable for giving an approximate measure of distance between a fixed camera and an object. Therefore, this method is inappropriate for an inspection application where very accurate results are needed. In this paper, the researchers propose an adaptive method suitable for measuring the height of small objects, such as microchips, with high accuracy.
1. Introduction
Nowadays machine vision based systems are becoming popular. A vision based system has several advantages. First, it is fast due to the development of a powerful camera system and computer. It is suitable for industrial system that needs real time inspection. Second it is very flexible. For the last few decades, a lot of vision algorithms have been developed, such as feature detection

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Figure 7. Measurement session.
3.4. 3D measurement process of the proposed system
The process of the 3D measurement for proposed adaptive vision system can be summarized as follows. There are training session and measurement session.
A. Training session
1. Obtain the images of a known object from the left and right cameras.
2. Extract the matching points of the feature of the object from the left and right images.
3. Estimate the height of a known object from the vision system.
4. Estimate optimal weight vector using LMS method.

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Adaptive Stereo Vision Algorithm for Measuring
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