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마이클 샌델의 정의란 무엇인가에 기반한 공리주의와 롤스주의의 정리

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
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Choice is one of the important and hard behaviors when we are alive. That’s because as we select something, the result may be completely different and we have to endure that. So does our society. In there, many people’s profits are so intricate that it could be much more difficult to select a rule than individual’s case. Therefore, to properly or surely pick up the best standard, societies take certain criteria when they encounter that situation. There are two criteria that societies use to achieve goals; Utilitarianism and Rawlsianism.

<중 략>

He allows the latter. An entitlement can happen only once certain rules of the situation are in place. It cannot tell how to set up the rule in the first place to people in advance. In other words, after depending on the conditions such as the two principles in the hypothetical agreement, people finally deserve the right to get their profit. Therefore, by the difference principle, the compensation to maximize the wealth of the least impoverished is natural not robbing. Finally Rawls proposes that we deal with these facts by agreeing to share on another’s fate and to avail ourselves of the accidents of nature and social circumstance only when doing so is for the common benefit.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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