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English Essay about Japan and its Economic Power 영문 에세이: 일본의 경제성장. 미국 대학교 영문수업 A학점 에세이

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,900원 할인쿠폰받기


일본의 경제성장에 대한 에세이로 한국 전쟁이 일본에 끼친 영향, 노동 인력과 질, 문화적 영향, 자금, 문화개방, 회사의 다각적 지원, 정부의 개입 등의 다양한 요인이 어떻게 작용하여 일본으로 하여금 세계적 경제 대국으로 발돋움 할 수 있었는지 분석한 글입니다.
미국 미시건의 한 대학교 영문학 수업에서 A학점 받은 에세이 입니다.




“Land of the Rising Sun” This is what Japan is often identified as (Rhie 15). The size of the country itself and the population, however, does not suit this rather pretentious title. When one considers the economic power and the global influence aspects of this country, however, the story takes a dramatic turn, because Japan had long been the second largest economic power in the world after US (“Japan” 268). One might ask oneself how such an accomplishment could be achieved by a country that is smaller than California, has almost no natural resources and has less than half the population of US (“Japan” TWF sec. 2, 3, 5). Some reasons are simple while some maybe perceived to be incomprehensible by the standards of the western culture. The union of historical events, unique cultural characteristics, and the ingenious strategies created synergic effects which allowed Japan to become Asia’s most powerful nation.

참고 자료

Collinwood, Dean. Global Studies: Japan and the Pacific Rim. Guildford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1993
“Country Study: Japan.” Country Studies. 8 Nov, 2005. Library of Congress. 6 June 2008 <http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/jptoc.html>
“Japan.” Britannica Macropædia. 2005 ed.
“Japan.” The World Factbook. 15 May 2008. Central Intelligence Agency. 17 May 2008 <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/
Rhie, Won-Bok. Mun-Na-Ra E-Ut-Na-Ra 7. Seoul: Gimmyoungsa, 2000.
Taylor, Alex III. “Inside Honda’s Brain.” E Library 17 March 2008. 2 May 2008 <http://elibrary.bigchalk.com/>.
Wright, Richard. “Japan’s Sun Rising as New World Become One.” The Auto Channel. 1987-2007. Wayne State University's Department of communications. 2 May 2008 <http://www.autochannel.com/mania/ industry.orig/history/chap16.html>.

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English Essay about Japan and its Economic Power 영문 에세이: 일본의 경제성장. 미국 대학교 영문수업 A학점 에세이
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