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English Report, Essay: Romanesque Art and Architecture of Middle Ages 영문 리포트, 에세이: 중세기의 예술과 건축물. 미술사

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


중세기의 예술과 건축물에 대해서 쓴 영문 리포트 입니다. 종교와의 관계, 섬유의 사용, 조각, 선축속의 조각품, 건축물들의 발전에 대해서 작성했습니다.

미국 미시건에 있는 대학에미술사수업에서 A학점 받은 리포트 입니다.




Romanesque is an adjective invented to describe medieval art and architecture that appeared “Roman-like.” While there is no doubt that Roman influence was significant, different approaches were taken to make Romanesque era unique in its own.
Romanesque art dealt mostly with religion. In the past, art consisted of sculptures, and two dimensional paintings and mosaics. Their great size was for public display, either to show its citizen about their great emperor or to spread of word of God. However, the scale of paintings during Romanesque age became smaller to record religious events. This was similar to paintings on vases during the early Greek era, but it took on a form a book. The subject ranged from abstract themes such as in Moralia in job, portraying initial R, and saints such as Hildegard of Bigen in Scivias. While not limited to Romanesque era alone, elaborately decorated relic containers also marked this period as an important moment in history of art. Because pilgrimages were main sources of income for many, churches invested heavily on containers such as Head reliquary of Saint Alexander.

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탑툰 이벤트
English Report, Essay: Romanesque Art and Architecture of Middle Ages 영문 리포트, 에세이: 중세기의 예술과 건축물. 미술사
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