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항공안전 및 보안(Aircraft Accident)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


항공안전과 보안에 관련된 실제 사례 분석 및 요약을 바탕으로 작성한 보고서로 A+을 받았습니다.


1. Introduction
1) Definition of Aviation Safety
2) Economics of Aviation Safety

1) Accident of AF Flight 447
2) Causes of the Accident
3) Loss of the Accident
4) Prevention activities & investment of Air France
5) Comparison

3. Conclusion

4. Reference


1. Introduction
1) Definition of Aviation Safety
According to ICAO, the definition of Aircraft Accident is like following.
: An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft, which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured...the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure... aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.
2) Economics of Aviation Safety
If an Aircraft accident happen, Airlines should take the responsibility of Uninsured Costs which is not covered by Insurance company like below.
· Insurance deductibles
· Lost time and overtime
· Cost of investigation
· Cost of hiring and training replacements personnel
· Loss of productivity of injured personnel
· Cost of cleanup and restoration of order
· Loss of use of equipment
· Cost of rental of lease of replacement equipment

참고 자료

BEA, 'Air France 447 Accident Final-Report', 2012
AF, 'Air France Annual Report', 2009
ICAO, 'Defining the Future of Air Traffic Management', 2012
ICAO, 'State of the Global Aviation Safety', 2011
ICAO, 'Safety Management Manual', 2012
Air France (http://corporate.airfrance.com)
Airbus (http://www.airbus.com)
BEA (http://www.bea.aero/en/recherche_publi_result.php)
Gerald Traufetter, 'The Lessons of AF 447 Did Faulty Computer Indicator Reinforce Pilot Errors?', 2012.09.07, spiegel
Andrea Rothnman, 'EU to order Goodrich Speed Probes for Airbus Planes', 2009.07.31, Bloomberg
'Airbus urges speed sensor swith', 2009.07.30, BBC news
'France Air Crash Report', 2012.07.05, CCN news
Sunju Kim, 'Airbus A330, before 1year there was speed sensor error', 2009.06.07, NEWSIS
KyeongA Lee,'Air France, replace all of A330's speed indicators', 2009.06.10,y수
'Faulty Sensors and inadequate pilot training caued Air France Flight 447 Tragedy', 2012.07.07, mercopress
Siyoung Jo, 'Disappeared France Air A330', 2009.06.02, MKnews
David Pearson, 'Air France Will pay Victims' families', 2011.01.13, Wall street Journal
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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