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Situation Analysis and Future Energy

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction : Situation Analysis
2. Problems found in Analysis : Current Energy System
3. Energy Shortage Scenario : When the oils are gone
4. Alternatives for Solving Problems: Why renewables?
5. Alternatives for Solving Problems: Renewables and Individual Action
6. Conclusion : Technology vs. Individual Action


In this report, our group is to deal with a serious matter that is endangering this nation and the world's future, energy shortage. This should be dealt in as a worldwide problem and the purpose of this report is to alert you and devise a solution. As you all are aware, our world's resources are becoming depleted in a fast rate. This isn't about preventing upcoming crisis, this is all about the crisis that has already begun. Energy shortage era has started. Currently the world's oil production is at it's peak. It was projected that the world's production of energy will start to decline rapidly from 2010 and that prediction is becoming reality. Don't be surprised. This projection includes oil sand, natural gases and most of the sources that people have fantasy of. Even with those other resources, the world's energy supply cannot be sustained as it is. This crisis is imminent. It must be dealt now or the humanity might face a disaster.

* 미국 본토, 유럽, 러시아, 중동, 기타(베네수엘라, 브라질, 인도네시아 등)는 정형유, 정형유는 땅과 얕은 바다에서 나오는 전통적인 원유.

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