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[언론정보학] the impact of technology and technological development for television

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교환학생으루 공부하구 있는 학생이에여
텀페이퍼루 제출한건데 A받았음다```


Discuss and compare the impact of technology and technological development for television in
1. Joshua Meyrowitz: No Sense of Place. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1985
2. John Ellis: Seeing Things. I.B. Tauris, London 2000
3. Raymond Williams: Television. Routledge, London 1990
4. John Thornton Caldwell: Televisuality. Rutgers University Press, New Jersey 1995


New media that is very different from the past is surging forward in crowds. Although the subject of media in the past treated the power of influence, the main theme of new media is extension of man’s function. Through the technological development, new media has a great effect on the overall thoughts and behaviors of human rather than the media in the past.
Chapter II. Joshua Meyrowitz “No Sense of Place”
Technology changes a society. Technological development makes us to access to the new information easily. In “No Sense of Place,” Joshua focused on the impact of electronic media. He categorized technologies such as television, radio, telegraph, telephone, tape recorder, and computer in electronic media.

참고 자료

Joshua Meyrowitz (1985) No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior. Oxford , Oxford University Press.

John Ellis (2000) Seeing Things: television in the Age of Uncertainty. London, I.B. Tauris.

Raymond Williams (1975) Television: Technology and Cultural Form. New York, Schocken Books.

John Thornton Caldwell(1995) Televisuality: Style, Crisis, and Authority in American Television. New Jersey, Rutgers University Press.

Robert C. Allen(1987) Channels of Discourse: Television and Contemporary Criticism, The University of North Carolina Press.

Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore(1967) The media is the message, New York, Bantam Books.

Andrew Goodwin & Garry Whannel(1990) Understanding Television, Routledge, London & New York.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[언론정보학] the impact of technology and technological development for television
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